Wednesday, April 27, 2011

fiji and tattoo ponderings

Went to fiji for a couple of weeks It was fantastic as usual. Went for a couple of scuba dives which was for medicinal purposes for my leg of course. lol

Leg didnt cope as well as it did last time i went there but i think i didnt dive a as much so that may have had something to do with it. I did however walk around the pool doing warped laps a reading my book for hours on end which was great for my leg and very relaxing. i chose to wear my old compression bandage in the water on all but one day. i even braved bikinis and my brace - oh yeh, now thats sexy haha, was quite liberating in a away though. still love my baggy boardies at heart.

got a heat rash and some bites on my bad leg big toe. got it down eventually, suppose these things cant always be helped though unless i wear  full shoes in paradise.. no thanks :O)

i highly recommend a few cocktails to help with the pool time and wearing a garment on public too hehe

on the final night i went to indian night at the resort. I got a henna tattoo of the real tattoo that i want on my foot (decided against the side of my stomach) and now im even more keen on getting the tatto. After reading so many articles and web posts im in two minds about it and dont know what to do. Dont want to regret getting one but also just like doing what i want, theres only so many times i can get it done in henna. will keep updated on my choice..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day by Dayness

There is often aching heaviness, sausagey toes, sore/redness behind the knee and the list goes on.
On a day to day basis lymphoedema can be very tiring.
Everyday I’m thinking, I have to massage 20 minutes a day, moisturise, can’t get sunburnt, wear my compression garment. At work and for my career, cant sit down too long, can’t stand up too long, its always on my mind.

I’ve been sooo annoyed while trying jeans on, finding appropriate clothing, buying shoes or pants and then not being able to fit in them when I’m having a  ‘fat leg day’.
There have been times when I’ve been getting ready and ended up sitting on my bed in tears not wanting to go out with my friends anymore because I’ve had enough.
I’ve had shoes, compression garments, snowboard boots, pants, bridesmaids dresses, socks all adjusted to fit my leg.

Sure its gotten me in trouble before from lymphoeseals, blisters from new boots, too much partying, been bitten by insects, being in the sun too long. I had tendonitis after a concert once from standing on the concrete dancing all day, that one got me in a bit of trouble.

Despite all this I have been on stage dancing, backpacking, travelling, snowboarding, skydiving, hiking, wake boarding and my newest hobbie which I think is just perfect for lymphoedema….scuba diving
You can’t let Lymphoedema always run your life otherwise you may resent it even more.