I want to be famous, I’ve wanted to be famous for about 6 years now.
Only problem is I’m not the best singer, actor, runner, guitarist (even though id like to think I am), I want to be famous, to promote Lymphoedema awareness, involve people, put pressure on organisations, make it easier to live with and educate people that it exists and it is a very real thing. If people don’t know it exists how can they know they could be at risk.
My mum and I have joked that what we need is a celebrity to be diagnosed with primary Lymphoedema, I can imagine the increased awareness and research, not that I would ever wish Lymphoedema on anyone. Imagine the publicity if Lady Gaga had Lymphoedema!!!!!!! Can you imagine her onstage in her fishnets trying to adjust her garment?!
So you don’t have someone famous writing to you, just a twenty-something girl with primary Lymphoedema, who wants to share something with you.